is a Chemical Engineer and MSc in Food Engineering from the University of Campinas. She has attended different courses in different areas of expertise as Feed and Food Safety, Lab Systems, Risk Assessment and Agribusiness at the University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, Utrecht University, Texas AM University.
She worked for 20 years in SGS DO BRASIL LTDA. Nowadays, Angela works as an independent consultant in the Feed and Food industry. With more than 30 years of experience in quality control, quality assurance and different certification schemes, has been involved in different projects in the area of feed and food safety. Recently, she participated in FAMI QS Task Force, FAO/WHO Carry Over program, STDF Feedlatina Project, Codex Alimentarius Task Force, among others.
Angela developed and instructed the training modules for the IFIF Train the Trainer Programme, and participated as the expert in this Good Production Practice for Feed Industry e-training.